Mi Banco & Web Cash Manager℠

    • You can change your secret questions by following these steps:
      1. Login to Mi Banco Online.
      2. Click on My Information.
      3. Under Login Information, select Edit Secret Questions.
      4. Choose your secret questions with their answer and confirm them.
      5. Finally, click on Send.
    • After completing these steps, you will have successfully reset your secret questions.
  • No, there are no charges for cancelling this service.

    • To change your email address, please follow these steps:
      1. Login to Mi Banco Online.
      2. In the My Information section, click on Edit e-mail.
      3. Write the new email address and confirm the information.
      4. Click on Send.
    • After completing these steps, you will have changed the email address for your account.
  • Yes. You can use Web Cash Manager’s℠ ACH module to make transfers to individual accounts.

  • If you notice any kind of suspicious activity in your account, report it to the Bank immediately, in the first 24 hours. Contact your Relationship Officer or call the Commercial Support Center at 787.756.3939 or 1.855.756.3939.

Need more help?

We are receiving an extraordinary volume of calls, which is affecting our waiting times. We appreciate your understanding and your trust in us.

Call us at 787.724.3659 or Access Mi Banco Online (desktop version), log in by entering your username and password, and in the upper part of the website click on “Contact Us”. From there, write your message, and we will gladly assist you.

We encourage you to consult the following information regarding useful and accessible solutions for you.