Branch and ATM’s service hours and addresses

Popular’s new locator service helps you find branches and ATM’s in Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, based on your current location. Also, allows you to schedule a Turn or Appointment in branches that offer these services.

You should allow your browser to access your location, then search for a city or zip code or select a region.

Using your computer or mobile web app:

  1. 1. Open your web browser and click on the following link:
  2. You have two search options:

    • Search Bar: Search by city, zip code or location name
    • Filters: Search by the services offered in the branches or ATM’s Click on Details for more information of your chosen branch or ATM. On the Get Directions link you will find instructions on how to get to the selected location.

Using Mi Banco App:

  1. Open the icon of
  2. Choose your location (Puerto Rico or Virgin Islands)
  3. Select Branch + ATM Locator
  4. Choose By Municipality or Near Me
    • If you choose By Municipality, the next screen will show a list of cities in Puerto Rico. Choose the one you prefer, and you’ll get a list of all the branches located there, with their street address, service hours and phone numbers.
    • If you choose Near Me, you’ll get a map with the branches and ATM’s near you. Branches are identified with the bank’s logo and the ATM’s with a dollar sign.