How to enable Mi Banco Alertas?

Step 1: Register your cell phone number

  1. If your mobile number is already registered, go to the next step.
  2. In Mi Banco Online’s main page, at the left side menu, under Alerts and Notifications, select Types of Alerts.
  3. On your right you will see a box titled Contact Information.
  4. Enter the cell phone number and/or e-mail in which you prefer to receive your alerts. (This information can be edited at any time for your convenience.)

Step 2: Select your type of alerts

You can select from the following alerts: balances, purchases and withdrawals with my ATH®, online payments and transfers, and changes in your personal information.

  • Balance Alerts You can select the account, the minimum or maximum amount for which you want to be notified, and if you prefer to receive text and/or email.
  • Purchases and withdrawals with my ATH® You can select the account, the frequency, the minimum or maximum amount for which you want to be notified, and if you prefer to receive text and/or e-mail.
  • Payments and Transfers You can select if you want to receive an alert when making a payment/transfer or editing and canceling future payments.
  • Changes in personal information On this section you can select alerts for password change, when password has been locked, any information update, or new device connection.

Stay on top of your accounts with Mi Banco Alerts and manage your budget the easy way!

Need more help?

We are receiving an extraordinary volume of calls, which is affecting our waiting times. We appreciate your understanding and your trust in us.

Call us at 787.724.3659 or Access Mi Banco Online (desktop version), log in by entering your username and password, and in the upper part of the website click on “Contact Us”. From there, write your message, and we will gladly assist you.

We encourage you to consult the following information regarding useful and accessible solutions for you.