What can I do to prevent identity theft?

  • Store documents with personal information such as your Social Security number, ID cards, birth certificates, passports, and so on in a safe place.
  • Don’t share your passwords or the access codes to your checking accounts, savings accounts, or credit or debit cards with anyone.
  • Choose passwords that are difficult to guess or copy.
  • Shred credit and debit cards you’re not using and letters you receive from the bank that you no longer need to keep.
  • If you’re no longer using a computer or cell phone, delete all personal information from them, including passwords.
  • Delete non-public personal information from your social media profiles.
  • Connect to the Internet over secure connections requiring passwords.
  • Don’t record your passwords on your cell phones or computers. If those devices should be stolen, the thief or hacker will have immediate access to your accounts.

Need more help?

We are receiving an extraordinary volume of calls, which is affecting our waiting times. We appreciate your understanding and your trust in us.

Call us at 787.724.3659 or Access Mi Banco Online (desktop version), log in by entering your username and password, and in the upper part of the website click on “Contact Us”. From there, write your message, and we will gladly assist you.

We encourage you to consult the following information regarding useful and accessible solutions for you.