Popular Business Access User Guide

  • In this guide, you'll learn how to make a simple transfer and to generate a transaction that includes multiple transfers.

    • 1. From the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Money Movement menu entry.
    • 2. Click the Account Transfer tile.
    • 3. The Individual Transfers page within Funds Transfer allows you to make a single transfer.
      Click the drop-down list From Account.
    • 4. The list shows the accounts to which you have access and the current balance of each. Verify that the account has the sufficient funds to complete the transfer.
      Select an entry from the list. As an example, click BSMART XX4988.
    • 5. Click the drop-down list To Account.
    • 6. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click FLEXICUENTA DE NEGOCIOS XX9776.
    • 7. Input the desired information into the Amount field. As an example. enter "10.00".
    • 8. Click the drop-down list Frequency.
    • 9. You can set your transfers to be made on a recurring basis. The Frequency field allows to indicate how often you want to transfer funds. In this example, we'll perform a single transfer. Click the One time transfer list item.
    • 10. Choose the effective date for the transfer. Click the Transfer Date icon.
    • 11. The effective date can be set to today or a future date. Click the desired date.
    • 12. Optionally, you can record a comment or description of the transaction. Input the desired information into the Memo field.
    • 13. Verify all of the entered data and click the Transfer Funds button.
    • 14. Popular Business Access shows a confirmation message when you complete the transfer. In this window, you can click the Close button, if you want to go back to the previous page; or click the Manage Transfer button to access the Activity Center where you can see past transfers information and monitor the transaction progress.
    • 15. Click the Close button.
    • 16. The Funds Transfer page also allows you to generate transfers to multiple accounts. Click the Multi-Account Transfers tab.
    • 17. Within the Multi-Account Transfers page, you can create and manage templates. They allow you to repeat a transaction in the future or you can use the template as a starting point for other transactions.
    • 18. Click the Transfer Funds button.
    • 19. If you want to make all transfers on the same date, verify that the Use same Date for all transfers box is checked. Otherwise, uncheck this option.
    • 20. Click the Transfer date icon.
    • 21. Transfers can be effective today or on a future date. Click the desired date.
    • 22. Input the desired information into the Memo field. As an example, enter "Transfer".
    • 23. Click the Push Memo to All button to include the message in all transfers.
    • 24. Under the From Account column, select the accounts from which each transfer will be initiated. Expand the From Account list, within the first row of transfers.
    • 25. The list shows the accounts to which you have access and shows the current balance of each. Verify that the accounts have the sufficient funds to complete the transfer. Select a suitable value; as an example, click FLEXICUENTA DE NEGOCIOS XX1394 list item.
    • 26. Under the To Account column, choose the accounts that will receive the funds. Click the To Account list in the first row.
    • 27. Select a suitable value, as an example, click the FLEXICUENTA DE NEGOCIOS XX9776 list item.
    • 28. Repeat the previous steps to choose the accounts to use in rows two and three, if desired. Under the Amount column, enter the amount for each transfer. In the first row, input the desired value into the Amount field. As an example, enter "5.00".
    • 29. Similarly, enter the amounts for transfers in rows two and three. If you need to add another transfer, click the + Add another transfer link.
    • 30. Click the Push Memo to All button again, to include the comment into the added transfer.
    • 31. Repeat the previous steps to complete the From Account, To Account, and Amount fields in the new row. Verify that all information is correct and click the Submit button.
    • 32. Popular Business Access displays a confirmation message. The message includes the assigned batch number, the number of transfers processed, and the total amount transferred. Depending on your configuration, the transaction may require approval. In this window, you can click:
      Close, to return to the previous page.
      Notify approvers, if approval is needed to complete the transaction.
      View in Activity Center, to access the action center from where you can monitor the transaction progress.
    • 33. Click the Close button.
    • 34. You have completed the steps to make a simple transfer and to generate a transaction that includes multiple transfers.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to access the activity center.

    • 1. On the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Reports & Documents menu entry.
    • 2. Under the Reports section, click the Online Activity tile.
    • 3. The activity center, on the Online Activity page, displays the list of recent transactions that originated from Popular Business Access. On this page, you can filter, export, print, and manage transactions in the list. Transactions are divided into simple transactions and recurring transactions.
    • 4. To apply filters to the list, click the Filter icon.
    • 5. In the Filters panel, you can use the available fields to filter transactions by type, status, account, SEC code (Standard Entry Class code), person who generated the transaction, minimum or maximum amount, from date to date, tracking number, and/or batch number. You can specify individual values or combine them, depending on the search criteria you want to build. Popular Business Access allows you to save frequent searches. Just click the Save Filter in Favorite link to save searches you'd like to reuse in the future.
    • 6. Let's create a simple filter. Click the drop-down list Created By.
    • 7. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click Populoso BPPR.
    • 8. Click the Apply Filters button.
    • 9. The applied filter appears at the top of the list. In this example, the result shows the transactions generated by the selected user. To remove the filter, click the X on the right side of the filter.
    • 10. Click the Recurring Transactions tab.
    • 11. The Recurring Transactions page displays transactions that run periodically, according to a set frequency. Each row displays summary information about the transaction. For example, it shows the date it was created, current status, number of approvals, type, associated account, and quantity. Click the Actions icon, at the end of the row of the desired transaction, to display the menu.
    • 12. From the list of actions, you may choose to copy, view additional information, print, among others.
    • 13. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click View transactions in series.
    • 14. The Transactions in Series page contains two sections. The Primary Transaction section displays the information for the primary transaction in the series. The Transactions in Series section displays a list of each occurrence of one of the transactions in the series.
    • 15. Click the Back button.
    • 16. You have completed the steps to access the activity center.
  • In this guide, you will learn to create a new role and a new user account.

    • 1. Popular Business Access provides a wide range of self-service options to allow company admins to perform administrative tasks, such as creating users and modify company policies*. Company policies define the accounts, transaction types, permissions, and features that are available for your organization.
      *Note that company policies can't be changed from Popular Business Access. However, you can modify the settings about transaction handling, the actions that can be performed by different roles, or the level of access.
    • 2. On the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Administration menu entry.
    • 3. Click the Company Policies option.
    • 4. On the Transactions tab, you can view those transaction types that are currently enabled for your company. From this page, you can also set limits for each of them.
    • 5. Click the Features tab.
    • 6. In the Features tab, you will find all the features available for your company; such as providing access to specific reports and special rights, among others.
    • 7. Click the Accounts tab.
    • 8. On the Accounts tab, you'll find all the accounts associated with your company. From here, you will also view your access level to each account.
      The access level is controlled through roles. The user's role controls whether the user can view transactions in the account, make deposits and/or withdrawals, among other available actions.
    • 9. Click the User Roles tab.
    • 10. The User Roles page displays the roles associated with the company.
      Note that company policies can't be changed from Popular Business Access. However, you can modify the settings about transaction handling, the actions that can be performed by different roles, or the level of access. User roles allow the company to create different levels of access depending on each user's specific tasks.
    • 11. Click the Create Role button.
    • 12. Input the desired name into the Role Name field.
    • 13. Optionally, input a description into the Description field.
    • 14. Click the Ok button.
    • 15. Click the Save button.
    • 16. On the main menu, click the Home menu entry.
    • 17. To create a new user account, click the Administration menu entry.
    • 18. Click the Users option.
    • 19. Click the Add User button.
    • 20. Input the desired information into the First Name field.
    • 21. Input the desired information into the Last Name field.
    • 22. Input the desired information into the Email Address field.
    • 23. Click the drop-down list Phone Country.
    • 24. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click Puerto Rico.
    • 25. Input the desired information into the Phone field.
    • 26. Assign a new Login ID for the account.
      Input the desired information into the Login ID field.
    • 27. Input the desired information into the Password field.
      Be sure to follow the password restrictions under the Password field.
    • 28. Input the new password into the Confirm Password field.
    • 29. Assign one of the existing roles to the new user account.
      Click the drop-down list User Role.
    • 30. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click Rick.
    • 31. Click the Save New User Details button.
    • 32. The user account was created successfully.
      Click the Close button.
    • 33. You have completed the s to create a new role and a new user account.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to create and manipulate alerts.

    • 1. In the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Administration menu entry.
    • 2. The Administration page within Popular Business Access provides a wide variety of options to help you control user access and configure company preferences.
      Some of the tasks you can perform from this page are: password changes, updates to the company profile, configure notifications, control access to different reports, and preferences for the main page, among others.
    • 3. To setup notifications, click the Alert Settings tile, under the Messages & Alerts section.
    • 4. The list shows the existing alerts.
      Click the New Alert button.
    • 5. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click Account Alert.
    • 6. The New Account Alert page allows you to set up a notification related to an account's transactions.
      Click the drop-down list Account.
    • 7. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click FLEXICUENTA DE NEGOCIOS XX1394.
    • 8. Click the drop-down list Account balance type.
    • 9. Select the value to monitor. As an example, click Available Balance.
    • 10. Click the drop-down list Frequency.
    • 11. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click Every day.
    • 12. Click the Start Date icon.
    • 13. Click the desired date.
    • 14. From the available delivery methods, choose how you want to receive the notification.
      Select a suitable value; as an example, click on Email.
    • 15. After selecting Email as the preferred delivery method, the Email Address text box is enabled.
      Input the recipient's email into the Email Address field.
    • 16. Click the Create Alert button.
    • 17. The alert was created successfully. You just asked Popular Business Access to send a daily email with your account available balance.
      Click the Close button.
    • 18. The Alerts page now shows an Account Alerts section. From here, you can manipulate the alert you just created.
      Click the Edit link, under the Send me my Available Balance every day, by email alert.
    • 19. The Edit Account Alert window allows you to modify the alert settings.
      At the bottom, you can use the Delete button to remove the alert or the Save button to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
    • 20. Click the Save button.
    • 21. Click the Close button.
    • 22. Back in the Alerts list, use the toggle or switch control at the end of each alert to enable or disable it.
      Please be advised that some alerts can’t be edited or disabled, as they are controlled by Popular. Contact your relationship officer for more information.
    • 23. You have completed the steps to create and manipulate alerts.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to create, manipulate and run reports.

    • 1. From the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Reports & Documents menu entry.
    • 2. Under the Reports section, click the Reports tile.
    • 3. The Reports page displays the list of recently created reports.
      Click the + New Report link.
    • 4. Popular Business Access displays the list of available reports, organized by groups.
      • Current Day Reports Includes reports of transactions generated today.
      • Previous Day Reports Includes reports on transactions generated on or before the previous day.
      • Online Activity Reports Includes reports on online activities.
      • Transaction Reports Includes activity reports on a per-transaction basis.
      • Online Banking Activity Includes reports of banking activities generated online.
      • Other Reports Includes reports that show additional information about the account and/or company.
    • 5. For example, click the ACH Activity Report - Current Day report.
    • 6. The report settings window is displayed. Each report configuration is saved and can be used to run the report in the future, as many times as needed.
      Under Do you want this report to be private or shared?, indicate Private, whether this report is for your personal use, or Shared, if you are going to share this definition with other authorized people.
    • 7. For example, click the Private option.
    • 8. Input the desired report name into the What do you want to name the report? field.
    • 9. Under What account(s) do you want to include?, indicate whether you want to include all accounts or just some.
      To include all accounts, select All Accounts; otherwise, select Specific Account(s).
    • 10. As an example, click the All Accounts option.
    • 11. Under How often do you want this report to run?, state how often you want to run the report.
    • 12. Click the Every Business Day option.
    • 13. Click the Create and Run button.
    • 14. The report is generated and executed successfully. Click the OK button.
    • 15. At the top of the Results list, you can choose to filter the rows to display only Private,  Shared or All executions.
      Click the Private button.
    • 16. The Results list shows the most recent private reports runs. Locate the desired report and click the Actions icon at the end of the row.
    • 17. The list includes different actions that can be taken on the report. You can choose from:
      • View History to view information about past executions.
      • Run Now to run the report right now.
      • Edit to modify the report definition.
      • Copy to create a copy of the report definition.
      • Delete to remove the report definition.
    • 18. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click View History.
    • 19. Past runs of the report are displayed.
      You can view the results of the run as many times as you want. Results can be generated in various formats such as: PDF, CSV or BAI. For example, click the PDF link.
    • 20. The file is automatically generated and downloaded. You can access the file in the download list of your preferred browser.
      Popular Business Access redirects and displays the contents of the file, depending on the selected format.
    • 21. You have completed the steps to create, manipulate and run reports.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to reset your password.

    • 1. Click the Forgot your password? link, at the bottom of the Log In window.
    • 2. Input your username into the Login ID field.
    • 3. Click the Submit button.
    • 4. To validate your identity, pick one of the phone numbers associated with your account to receive a text with a validation code.
    • 5. Enter the validation code you received into the Enter your Secure Access Code field.
    • 6. Click the Submit button.
    • 7. Input the new password into the New Password field.
      Please observe the password rules under Password Requirements.
    • 8. Input in the new password into the Confirm New Password field.
    • 9. Click the Submit button.
    • 10. The password reset is completed.
      Popular Business Access directs you to the Home page.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to set up an account's preferences.

    • 1. Popular Business Access allows you to change your account preferences. Among other actions, preferences allow you to assign an alternate name or nickname to each account, and also select the balance information to be displayed on the home page.
    • 2. Click the Administration menu entry.
    • 3. Under User Preferences, click the Manage Accounts tile.
    • 4. The Account Preferences page displays the accounts to which you have access.
      Select the desired account to display more information.
    • 5. The account information is displayed under the account's name.
      To modify the displayed name, click the Edit icon next to the current name.
    • 6. Input the desired name into the Online Display Name field.
    • 7. Click the Save icon.
    • 8. The Select a balance to display on home page section shows different types of balances. You can select up to two of them to be displayed under the account name on the homepage.
    • 9. Check the box in front of the balances you want to display on the home page. Remember, you can select up to two balances.
    • 10. Click the Home menu entry.
    • 11. Notice the changes under the Accounts section. The main page displays account information based on your set preferences.
    • 12. You have completed the steps to set up preferences for an account.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to request one or more stop payments for checks.

    • 1. From the Popular Business Access main menu, click the Account Services menu entry.
    • 2. Under the Account Services section, click the Stop Payment tile.
    • 3. Popular Business Access lets you request a stop payment for one or more checks.
      Note: Make sure that the check that you are requesting the stop payment has not been processed. In addition, a stop payment request does not guarantee that the check(s) payment(s) will be stopped since the stop payment will take effect on the next business day. Contact your relationship officer for more details.
    • 4. Use Single Check option to request the stop of one check.
      Use the Multiple Checks option to request the stop payment of multiple checks. In such a case, you must enter the numbers of the first and last check you want to include in the request.
      If the check numbers are not in sequence, you must process each request individually.
    • 5. Click the Single Check option.
    • 6. Click the drop-down list Account.
    • 7. Select an entry from the list. As an example, click FLEXICUENTA DE NEGOCIOS XX9776.
    • 8. Input the number of the check into the Check number field.
    • 9. As additional information, you can include the amount to be paid, the date of the check, the name of the person or institution that received the check, or an additional note, within the appropriate fields.
      Verify all the field values and click the Request stop payment button.
    • 10. The Stop Payment Successful window confirms that your request was received successfully. In this window, you can see the tracking ID, the date it was processed, the account, and the amount of the transaction, along with a brief description.
      You can click the Close button to return to the previous page, or you can click the View In Activity Center button to monitor the transaction in the activity center.
    • 11. You have completed the steps to request one or more stop payments for checks.
  • In this guide, you will learn how to view accounts information.

    • 1. Popular Business Access allows you to view information about your business accounts. You can mark accounts as priority accounts to monitor them on the main page. Initially, the list of priority accounts is empty.
    • 2. To access the full list of accounts, click the View all accounts link.
    • 3. The list of accounts includes all the business accounts to which you have access. From here, you can:
      • Mark priority accounts.
      • Filter and sort the list.
      • Create account groups.
    • 4. To mark an account as a priority account, click the Star to the left of each account's name. Check all the accounts you want to display on the main page.
    • 5. Click the Home menu entry.
    • 6. Notice the account, under the Priority Accounts group on the home page.
    • 7. Initially, the accounts listed on the home page are only the priority accounts. If you want to group your accounts and display those groups on the main page, you must modify the home page preferences.
    • 8. Click the Administration menu entry.
    • 9. Click the Homepage Preferences tile, under the User Preferences section.
    • 10. Disable the Account List option under the Account List section.
    • 11. Click the Home menu entry.
    • 12. The main page now shows all business accounts, under the Accounts group.
    • 13. Click the Account Options menu button in the upper-right corner of the Accounts section. The Account Options menu includes options for creating and manipulating account groups.
    • 14. Click the Create new group menu entry.
    • 15. Pick the account to add to the group. Click the drop-down list Select Account.
    • 16. Click the desired value. For instance, in this example, click BSMART 2.
    • 17. Input the desired name into the Group Name field.
    • 18. Click the Save button.
    • 19. The new group appears at the bottom of the home page.
    • 20. To view transactions, click on the account name tile.
    • 21. The Transactions tab, within the Account page, shows the most recent transactions. Click the Details & Settings tab.
    • 22. The Details and Settings tab shows the different account balances and current account settings.
    • 23. Click the Back link, to return to the Home page.
    • 24. You have completed the steps to view accounts information.