Commercial Loans

  • To monitor your business loan payments please contact the Commercial Support Center at 787.756.3939 or 1.855.756.3939, or visit one of our branches.

  • To request information on business loans please contact the Commercial Support Center at 787.756.3939 or 1.855.756.3939, or visit one of our branches.

  • You can make the payment by visiting any of our branches throughout the island.

  • It depends on the purpose, use of funds, collateral, and guarantees offered. In order to offer terms and conditions, an evaluation of the requested credit must be made.

  • They are agreements to offer funds, for a specific purpose, payable in installments. Term, or long-term, loans are those that are granted for a term greater than one year. Short-term loans are those that are payable on a specific date that does not exceed one year.

  • Yes, Popular offers different programs within the Small Business Administration (SBA) loans. For more information about our loans, go to: or call 787.724.3650.

  • Popular has Business specialists throughout the island. They will be able to offer guidance on the credit product that works best for you.

  • To apply for a loan, you must:

    • Complete the Credit Application at one of our branches or through the online platform
    • Provide financial statements or business tax returns for the last two years, and personal financial statements or guarantors’ income tax returns.
    • Other documents will be required according to the type of industry and/or type of credit product for which you are applying.
  • To apply for business credit, you must:

    • Complete the Credit Application at one of our branches or through the online platform
    • Provide financial statements or business tax returns for the last two years, and personal financial statements or guarantors’ income tax returns.
    • Other documents will be required according to the type of industry and/or type of credit product for which you are applying.
  • You can visit any of our branches throughout the island or call the Commercial Support Center at 787.756.3939 or 1.855.756.3939.

Need more help?

We are receiving an extraordinary volume of calls, which is affecting our waiting times. We appreciate your understanding and your trust in us.

Call us at 787.724.3659 or Access Mi Banco Online (desktop version), log in by entering your username and password, and in the upper part of the website click on “Contact Us”. From there, write your message, and we will gladly assist you.

We encourage you to consult the following information regarding useful and accessible solutions for you.